Friday, March 30, 2007

To Be Energized Within

Dear Loved Ones,

Great day to you all as the wisdom within you reveals itself moment by moment.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Please take a moment to Pray for and Bless the planet earth into Unity and Oneness and
whatever else your heart's desire is expressing itself to you, Right Now. Thank you.

Tools For life.To Be Energized Within
To be Energized within is to be attuned to oneself.

How many times have you heard these words but in a different context? Once, twice, multiple times or perhaps this is the first time. Does it really matter, how many times? The importance is that we practice what we know.

We know that we have taken many classes and studied many modalities and have had
many teachers along our path and yet perhaps we may be lost in the storm of confusion.

Now, to be energized within is the fastest and least expensive way to have Fun and Relax.

How's that you may ask?

Actually to energize within by your own will and God/Life given energy is Freeeeeeeeee. Yes, Freeeeeeeeee. I knew this would get your attention. Are you liking it? No charge to you or anyone else. Yes. I am selling your own Life Force to you absolutely Freeeeeeeee.

Today is your day and today you get to experience your own energy for Freeeeeeeee. But here is another great deal. Not only today but every moment you choose to, you can energize yourself for Freeeeeeeee.

Here we go.

To gain Clarity within is to be energized.

To pay attention to your Emotions is to be energized.

To Forgive yourself and others is to be energized.

To be Present with whatever is going on in your life is to be energized.

To listen to your Desires and to be Authentic is to be energized.

To run your Life energy with the Sun's energy is to be energized.

To Love truly from a place of Surrender and Freedom is to be energized.

To accept God's Grace, Goodness and Blessings is to be energized.

To give from your Heart is to be energized.

To drink Water from the earth is to be energized.

To breathe in the breath of Life is to be energized.

To move your Body, to stretch and to be Flexible in life is to be energized.

And all this plus more is freeeeeeee.

You are so Wonderful. Do you know this? I know it.

You are Wonderful for you are part of this Wonderful Universe. So Delightful. I know we have forgotten this truth. How about letting go of what we have forgotten and starting Right Now choose to remember. Remember that with our will and desire to create we can in fact energize ourselves every moment that we choose to. I know sometimes it may hard, for our ego, our false self gets in the way testing us. We may also look at this as strengthening us, providing an opportunity to Grow and Flourish.

I am 100% in favor of you. I know your Strength and I know of your Inner Power. This is why I choose a life of complete perfect health and vitality for you for we are all one. I will not let my own desire do this for you. I will let you use your own Inner Will and Power to create the perfect life for you.

I simply want to say that I have perfect Faith in you, Right Now. Bless You.

Take a deep cleansing breath and go forth with the everlasting energy within you and give yourself the gift of Love and Freedom. For you surely are worthy and deserving of this truth.

And so it is.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Please feel free to share these Insights with your friends, family, associates and enemies to Energize the whole planet into Oneness.

May the love, light and blessings of God and the whole Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.

With Love, Gratitude and Respect,

Michelle Morovaty

Truly, With God All Things Are Possible

© Copyright 2007 Spirituality Inside and Out, LLC

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Friday, March 23, 2007

Be Here Now - An Opening To Spiritual Awareness

Every spring I go at least once to the desert here in Southern California. There I take pictures of blossoms that seem particularly beautiful because they contrast to the plant that produces them. I relish being there and feeling a part of this landscape. When I return home, I can again enjoy the green plants in my yard.

But there are people who find it difficult to appreciate, let alone enjoy, being where they are. Their minds are on something else. Perhaps they are thinking of places they plan to go where their surroundings will be green and lush. Or their minds are on the past and other places they have been. Instead of taking pleasure in what is right in front of them (such as looking at a prickly plant with an exquisite flower), they are thinking about some place or something else. Yet when they get to the next place, they won't be completely there, either, because they'll be worrying about something or thinking about the where they will be going next, and the worries and places after that.

When we're in this mode of "don't be here now," we are not likely to feel very spiritual, for spirituality requires us to be aware of ourselves in a moment in time and to be present to that place and time. We're also not likely to have the sense of well-being we claim we want.

Yet being able to follow your religious beliefs and/or develop spiritual awareness almost always means that you need to thoroughly experiencing what you are doing when you are doing it and wherever that may be. Of course, I'm not always able to do it. I can get caught in the details of my activities and to-do lists. Nevertheless, it's a goal well worth shooting for. Life doesn't always present us with easy, carefree days. Sometimes we have to deal with some pretty prickly circumstances. Yet even there we may find beauty and our hearts can open to an appreciation of the wonderful complexity of the universe.

Learning how to "be here now" and simply living in the moment is only a part of deeper spiritual awareness, but it is certainly a major first step. When combined with times when you deliberately step away from the busyness of daily living and concentrate on being aware of the moment, as in meditation, this technique can help you discover many opportunities for spiritual awareness in daily life.

In order to learn how to more easily be here now, I recommend you practice the following brief exercise. Read it through once to see what it's all about and, as you read it again, actually do it. And for real effectiveness, then close your eyes and do it once more.

Be Here Now

As you begin this exercise, I invite you to take a deep breath . . . and, as you slowly exhale, let go of what happened just a moment ago, right before you took a deep breath. Just be here now, in this moment. . . . And now, take another deep breath and, as you slowly exhale, let go of what you plan to do when you are through with this brief exercise. Simply be here now, in this moment. . . .

As you return to your normal breathing pattern, let each "in" breath be a reminder to be here now, doing this exercise . . . and let each "out" breath be a letting go of whatever you are holding onto in the past or whatever you are worried about in the future. . . . Take several moments to just be aware of the present moment. . . .

To help you let go of the past and the future even more completely, you may want to use your breath to remind you to be aware of the present. You can do this by realizing that no matter how hard you try, you cannot take a breath right now (no matter how full you fill your lungs) that you can use five minutes from now. Similarly, you could not have taken a breath five minutes ago to use right now. Each breath can only be used for one moment in time. And so, allow your breath to remind you to be here now. . . .

And now, in this moment, feel your back resting on your chair and notice what that is like. . . . Continuing to focus awareness on your body, notice your feet and how they feel in your shoes or, if you aren't wearing shoes, how they feel when you wiggle your toes. . . . Now turn your attention to your hands and what they are doing. Are they resting on your lap or on the furniture or do you have a hand on the keyboard or on the mouse?. . . How does your chest feel right now? . . . How does your stomach feel? . . . Right now, at this moment, allow yourself to be as fully aware of your body's sensations as you can. . . .

When you are through, notice that you can continue to be here now, in this moment, letting go of past and future, willing to experience this moment in time which has never been before and will never be again. In other words, BE HERE NOW because you don't have any other "now."

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

What Does The Word Father Mean To You

I had a Dad that wanted to give me the world. I can't remember in my whole life many times that he said "no" to me, and discipline was far from him. He just couldn't do it, so my mother had to.

Although that sounds pretty lovely for those who had abusive fathers, it has its downside also. I have a tendency to see God as somebody who should make things happen based upon my wants or prayers. I have had a tendency to expect God to fix it all. My earthly father always did.

It certainly didn't take long for me to realize that God was a better father than my earthly one since He could see the entire picture of my life and had created it, so He wasn't going to be side-tracked by giving into my near-sighted requests. Praise the Lord!

This warped view of love without discipline and denial of requests also gave me the attitude that God was supposed to do it all. When I was confronted with books or articles or counsel that put any responsibility on me, I was quite offended that somebody wanted me to believe that God wasn't going to fix things for me.

I'm now in my 50's and since one of my continual requests has been to never stop growing in the Lord (one that He will always honor), I've come to realize that God has already done His part in making things happen for me. He sent His only Son to die so that I would have power over the Enemy and Evil in this world. He gave me free will so I could choose to serve Him. I could choose to be victorious or I could choose defeat by not even picking up my shield of Faith.

His Word is all we need to defeat life's evil and bad circumstances. He says we can have peace and joy no matter what. If we believe that we will move on with our lives and walk in the Truth. What we believe truly directs our life's path. There's a principle of energy out there like the principle of gravity. If you drop something, it goes down. Belief is an energy and it is powerful! The world uses it in motivational techniques and it works because it's true.

We have the power to choose between good and evil and we choose what we believe by what we choose to dwell on with our thoughts. Forgiveness is a powerful weapon against the enemy. It closes many doorways he has access to in our minds. We don't have to follow in the same ruts and patterns of our genetic heritage. We are a new creation!

Choose today to put on that armor and leave self-pity behind. It is an evil power, an entity, and it desires to destroy you.

You Have Power Greater Than The Enemy!

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